I never talked to her much but once I posted a thread asking the forum who their favorite poster was. Mouthy won hands down and she nicely thanked me.
Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Memories of Grace Gough
by Mary inhi everyone;i'm not on here too much anymore, but i've been asked to write a brief biography of our dear grace gough ('mouthy' on here).
i'm writing my own memories of her but it was also suggested that i maybe contact others who knew her to see if they had a nice memory or two of her they'd like to share.
it would only have to be a paragraph or two and your name can be kept confidential if you like.
Village Idiot
Extreme joy from Witnesses regarding President "Tribulation" Trump!!
by Witness 007 inso sunday afternoon tea with my "anionted" mum and her old witness holy friends.
they start talking trump how he "is gonna do somthing to start armegedon.
" no sad faces about this apocalipse.
Village Idiot
As I've said on another thread the Witnesses don't know their own teachings on the Apocalypse. Here it is:
- The United Nations proclaims "peace and security"!
- Then they attack "Babylon the Great".
- Then, when all other religions have been destroyed, they will turn their attention to the JWs who have been untouched until that moment.
- Finally, the heavenly cavalry, consisting of Jesus, the angels and the 144,000, will swoop on down to exterminate the everyone endangering the Witnesses. They will sling meteors, pestilence, more meteors, skyscraper swallowing earthquakes and finally, more meteors. That is the official Armageddon occurring at the end of the second half of the humongous tribulation.
Ask your heaven bound mom how Donald Trump fits into any of this.
PS: Tell your anointed mom that she's going to participate in Armageddon killing all sorts of worldly riff raff and their children.
Depression, Anger and Anxiety
by Sorry infor the last few months, i feel like i've been going through the 5 stages of grief.
lately, it's been happening simultaneously.
in my other posts, i've expressed anger at my family and congregation for their thoughtless ways.
Village Idiot
I don't know the details of your situation but I would distance yourself from that kind of family. Would it be possible for you to move in with him without them or the elders finding out?
I would also look into taking anti-depressants. I know from personal experience that they work when you get the right kind.
Depression, Anger and Anxiety
by Sorry infor the last few months, i feel like i've been going through the 5 stages of grief.
lately, it's been happening simultaneously.
in my other posts, i've expressed anger at my family and congregation for their thoughtless ways.
Village Idiot
Sounds like you need to spend more tie with your boyfriend. Is he a Witness?
Likes and Dslikes disappearing
by Village Idiot inwhen i press like or dislike on a topic and then refresh the page my like/dislike disappears.
i'm not voting twice, i realize what happens when you do..
Village Idiot
When I press like or dislike on a topic and then refresh the page my like/dislike disappears. I'm not voting twice, I realize what happens when you do.
Arguing with Witnesses vs Trinitarians
by schnell ini have always been told as a jw that trinitarians, particularly baptists, are just the worst people to argue with out in service.
i have always been told it was the world with a veil over their eyes.
the hypocritical irony is that so many witnesses are completely stubborn and willing to believe in magic before they believe anything against their dogma.
Village Idiot
Perry, where are you?
Great Tribulation and Trump
by TakeOffTheCrown inplease, let's discuss this subject without attacking one another.. it appears that trump has won a victory that no one expected.
is it possible that trump may play a part in the great tribulation?.
there are some who believe trump is one of the most unqualified of men to ever be elected president of the united states.
Village Idiot
I can’t believe this thread has
153154 replies. Die! Just die! -
Would it be ethical for another nation to supply weapons to anti-Trump protesters?
by fulltimestudent inthe usa, claiming that the usa supports freedom, has often supported revolutionaries/dissenters in other countries.. some examples:.
currently, the syrian war commenced circa 2011 in the so-called arab spring.
it is claimed that the usa supplied weapons to anti-government forces.
Village Idiot
One thing that is never mentioned on the issue of immigrants is how it all began in the 19th century. Before Texas became US territory the Mexico owned the land which was forcibly taken from them.
The situation started when Mexico allowed Americans to immigrate into what was a semi-autonomous province. Every thing was fine until the Mexican government want to abolish slavery throughout it's nation. They also wanted to impose a modest tax on the residents in Texas. Mexico had the sovereign right to do both.
However, Texans did not take too well to that because they saw themselves entitled to own slaves and to not contribute even a modest amount to the nation that gladly brought them in.
Now the Mexicans are coming back to where many of their ancestors used to live; irony, irony. There is a place for Mexicans here in the US but I acknowledge that there would be way too many of them with an open border.
As for legal immigration I would ban it because there aren't enough jobs for those who already live here. We receive 1 million legal immigrants a year which adds up to 10 million in one decade. That's a lot of jobs. Remember that the main reason people oppose Mexicans streaming over the border has to do with their taking jobs away from us. Therefore, it doesn't matter that legal immigrants have this aura of acceptability; there just are not enough jobs for everyone.
Hi forum
by A Believer ini proably shouldnt be on here but i feel like saying this.
i have been for the last couple weeks been studying religion.
i've learned the only ones who today do what the bible says to is jw.
Village Idiot
A Believer, I have not read through the responses so if someone has already said this it bears repeating. The Jehovah's Witnesses are a dictatorial religion that usurps Jesus' place as an intermediator from the Biblical perspective (BTW I'm not Christian).
It's all about glorifying the Watchtower as God's sole channel of communication. Listen carefully at their meetings and you'll pick up on their blasphemies. Their memorial service is about the best example I can think of. A meeting where no one partakes of the wine and crackers except an elite few which you would hardly fine in most congregations. In the real world of Christianity everyone partakes just as Jesus told his disciples.
This elitism of theirs is an insult to their god. In effect they're being told that they are not saved.
Would it be ethical for another nation to supply weapons to anti-Trump protesters?
by fulltimestudent inthe usa, claiming that the usa supports freedom, has often supported revolutionaries/dissenters in other countries.. some examples:.
currently, the syrian war commenced circa 2011 in the so-called arab spring.
it is claimed that the usa supplied weapons to anti-government forces.
Village Idiot
Only if they're on my side.